Economic growth in Japan decelerates (again)

The main topic of discussion about the Japanese economy over the last twenty years has been its deflation and low economic growth. Japan’s last big economic policy bet has been its quantitative easing (QE) program launched in April 2013.

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Japan and the Myth of Currency Depreciation and Exports

In short, we pointed out that the depreciation of the yen was due to an increase in the monetary supply in Japan. This increased supply made it less profitable to hold the currency, and as a result, market participants increased their short positions on the yen against a backdrop of increasing dollar strength.

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The Red Dragon Casino

In the West we have the notion that gambling and the concept of fortune are ingrained in Chinese culture. This is probably because gambling carries implicit notions of individualism, such as property and risk. Individualism that is a quality of the human condition but has never before been experienced by this Asian country with the same vitality as is common in the West.

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The Yen’s Depreciation

The exchange rate in Japan has settled around 123.70 yen per US dollar. [1] When quantitative easing (QE) was launched in Japan in April 2013, the Japanese yen (JPY) was trading at around 95 yen per USD.

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Is the United States in a Real Economic Recovery?

When talking about economic recovery, a distinction must be made between short-term and long-term effects. We’ll label as short-term effects those that last less than a year, and as mid and long term those that last more than a year. In practice, three to five years are needed to determine if effects are long lasting or not.

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